Genesis | 1 | |
Exodus | 2 | Noah pointing to Exit Exodus sign |
Leviticus | 3 | Ma levitating leviticus |
Numbers | 4 | rye bubles with numbers on them |
Deuteronomy | 5 | Law with shooter deuter |
Joshua | 6 | Shoe is Joshes Galoshes |
Judges | 7 | Cow with Judge wooldreidge on back |
Ruth | 8 | Ruth wrapped in ivy |
1 Samuel | 9 | bees around Sam Sam |
2 Samuel | 10 | Bees around Sam Sam toes |
1 Kings | 11 | teats of Kings |
2 Kings | 12 | King with tin can begging |
1 Chronicles | 13 | in tomb reading Chronicles |
2 Chronicles | 14 | tires in the tomb with chronicles |
Ezra | 15 | Ezra with towel with Z pattern |
Nehemiah | 16 | Kneeling on a dish |
Esther | 17 | Ester with duck "feather" |
Job | 18 | job raising doves |
Psalm | 19 | palm trees in a tub |
Proverbs | 20 | proverbs in a nose |
Ecclesiastes | 21 | enthusiastically racing around with butterfly net |
Song of Solomon | 22 | nuns singing songs of solomon |
Isaiah | 23 | Isay again, my name is Isaiah |
Jeremiah | 24 | Nero on Guitar with cousin Jeremiah |
Lamentations | 25 | Nail in hands Lamenting |
Ezekiel | 26 | its Easy to make notches in wood |
Daniel | 27 | neck of Daniel boone very long |
Hosea | 28 | knife in hose of Hosea |
Joel | 29 | knob to billy Joel's room |
Amos | 30 | mouse in Amos mouth |
Obadiah | 31 | mitts juggling obladee obladah |
Jonah | 32 | Jona is becoming real Man |
Micah | 33 | MICHAel is a mummy |
Nahum | 34 | Mare is riding by Nathan Naham |
Habakkuk | 35 | Mail man is delivering "Have a cup" Habacup Habakkuk |
Zephaniah | 36 | match lit by stephanie zephanie zephaniah |
Haggai | 37 | mug shot of Haggar Haggai the horrible |
Zechariah | 38 | movie watching with Zach Zechariah |
Malachi | 39 | mopping D71Malachi |
Matthew | 40 | rose in Matt the rat lapel |
Mark | 41 | Rat raised by Mark |
Luke | 42 | rain on cool hand Luke |
John | 43 | Ram ridden by uncle John |
Acts | 44 | rare acts of kindness |
Romans | 45 | rule of Romans |
1 Corinthians | 46 | roaches cookarachas corinthians |
2 Corinthians | 47 | rocks cookarachas corinthians |
Galatians | 48 | roof blown off by gale force galations |
Ephesians | 49 | rope between gypsy GEPC |
Philippians | 50 | Lacey shorts on Philip Philippians McCracken |
Colossians | 51 | Lid smoked by Coloseum Colossians |
1 Thessalonians | 52 | Lazy Lyn Thespian Thessalonian |
2 Thessalonians | 53 | Loom Lazy Lyn |
1 Timothy | 54 | Lair set by Timothy McClain |
2 Timothy | 55 | Lilly steped on my Timothy McClain |
Titus | 56 | Leaches can give you tetnus Titus |
Philemon | 57 | Log rolling by Philmon |
Hebrews | 58 | Leaflets by Hebrew missionaries |
James | 59 | ear Lobes of James are with earings |
1 Peter | 60 | Cheese eating Peter Wolf |
2 Peter | 61 | "dump" #2 by Peter Wolf |
1 John | 62 | chain by John Wolf |
2 John | 63 | shame by John Wolf |
3 John | 64 | chair sat on by John Wolf |
Jude | 65 | jail house gang singing HEY JUDE |
Revelation | 66 | choo choo end of train |