Jason and daughter and mom

Christopher with cat

Becky and Dave, the fishing criminals.

Nathan with his first catch of the day.

Nathan holding up his carp.  What a beauty!

My striper.

Nathan with the striper.

Zack's first official cat.

His next cat.

and one of many more cats.

Nathan on the tube.  Sorry, but it appears nobody took a pic of Zack on the tube or on the ski's.

Cris riding the waves.

Fishing for "Chloe" fish.

Chloe's first catch.


Chris and Chloe.

Posing with fish bait.

and another cat.

Cameron caught a man-eating shark.

Crashing out after all the day's fun.

Feeding the ducks.

Chris and Chloe tubing.

Cameron, Zack and Nathan dragging behind the boat.

The end!